
Part One:

How Our Dietary Problems Started

(About 20 minutes)

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Preface to Part One The human body is adapted to uncertainty of food supply

Human Metabolism - Our Energy Sources Glucose v Ketones

By what Authority do I Speak? I have none - SAD is not evidence based.

John Veitch - Educator by profession Health educator by accident.

A Little History - William Banting - "Letter on Corpulence" - pre-scientific advice

How to Fatten Pigs Skim milk, corn and molasses.

The Dietary Guidelines - The Best Human Diet? - immature dietary science

Dietary Confusion Fat pigs and Slim People Faulty Thinking?

Seasonal Famine is Common Lipid metabolism produces ketones.

The Race to be Taller Start with a Good Diet - Animal food are important

Dr Aleš Hrdlička, - Plains Indians, USA: a nutrient-rich diet

Elmer McCollum - Dr Vitamin, rat studies - are animal studies relevant

Real Paleo Diets Not possible in modern times. Feast and Famine

Lt. Frederic Schwatka - Inuit Diets - 142 years ago - Franklin Expedition

Vilhjalmur Stefansson - Bellevue Hospital Study Arctic Science - Inuit science

German and Austrian Science Wilhelm Ebstein, Carl von Noorden, Wilhelm Falta, Dr Alfred Pennington

Weston Price - American Dentist - Healthy bones, Strong Jaws - No healthy vegetarian tribes

George Vernon Mann - The Masai in Kenya, 1962: Ten Health Commandments

Part Two:

Finding a Heart Healthy Diet

(About 15 minutes)

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Preface to Part Two Finding a Heart Healthy Diet

The Framingham Heart Study Begins Many Important studies - Too Many Black Swans - American Health Science begins again

Ancel Keys - The Diet Heart Hypothesis - Saturated Fats / Mediterranean Diets The Cholesterol Issue - A best guess proves wrong

Ancel Keys on the Cover of "Time." Framingham "Saturated fats do not cause heart disease!" (1998) Confirmed many times since. - Still not understood

President Eisenhower Failure of Best Care. Anti-Coronary Club - Mr Fit

Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial - Four Interventions - Low Cholesterol, Low Fat, Blood Pressure, Stop Smoking

Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial - Result - Failure again - Yet adopted as the Standard of Care -

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 1977 Are red meat and saturated fats and cholesterol causing heart disease, obesity, diabetes and some forms of cancer?

Private Public Partnerships Combining Talent? - Saving Public Money? Commercial Money in Research - Follow the money

Thomas Kuhn - Scientific Revolutions - Paradigms All paradigms are based on assumptions. - Science isn't "pure"

The Standard American Diet "Dietary Goals for Americans," was issued in February, 1980. - Nutrition Wars continue - S.A.D. is a political dietary choice

Part Three:

The Standard American Diet and it's Effects

(About 16 minutes)

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Preface to Part Three Dietary Guidelines for Americans - success/failure?

Acceptance of the Standard American Diet Many errors made - political - professional - "The end of Diet Wars?" Not likely

New Zealand Ministry of Health NZ Childhood Obesity Plan

Standard Nutrition Theory Health Stars and Heart Ticks - Dietary Propaganda

The Public Health Effect of the S.A.D. Diabetes out of Control - Wrong Advice Common - Science is ignored - S.A.D. is widely adopted

Energy for Life - Carbohydrates and fats The human body has a HYBRID Metabolism

Are Carbohydrates essential? The Case for Zero Carbohydrates. Yalow and Berson - Low Insulin

The Big Fat Surprise Nina Teicholz and Garry Taubes

The Credit Suisse Research Institute Sugar and Fat in the diet

Hormones Drive Obesity - Insulin - Leptin - Cortisol - stress

The Obesity of Poverty Poverty, poor quality food, and obesity - Carbohydrate Intolerance - cheapest calories and oils create unhealthy obesity

Overview of Our New Learning Insulin Resistance - Fat Metabolism

The Obesity Driver - "Insulin On" Take Control - Don't be Hungry - protein and lipids

Credit Suisse Research Institute - Saturated Fats Natural unprocessed fats are healthy

What Every Woman Knows. 1963 Do we know what a healthy diet is?

Part Four:

Lipophobia and the Sugar Debate.

(About 12 minutes)

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Preface to Part Four The causes of Metabolic Syndrome

Dr Gerald Reaven obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, high fasting triglycerides

Metabolic Syndrome Dietary Guidelines Ignore Metabolic Syndrome

Butter is Good - Time Magazine - Saturated Fats - Mediterranean diet

Butter in My Coffee Fat makes you satisfied - Avoid snacking

Ketogenic Diets are Difficult to Do Not the case - Only misunderstood - Banting is Easy

Ketosis is Normal Benefits of Banting - Low insulin

Credit Suisse Research Dietary Carbohydrates raise insulin - Low insulin is better - Avoid sugars

High Carbohydrate Diets Excess insulin, inflammation, metabolic syndrome

Credit Suisse Research Dietary Cholesterol - LDL and Heart Disease

Medical Diet for Obesity - Avoid Bread, Flour products, Cereals, Milk puddings, Potatoes, all Sweets

Medical Diet for Obesity - Enjoy Meat, fish, birds, green vegetables, eggs, cheese, some fruits

Medical Diet for Obesity - Source Stanford Medical School, Sir William Osler, Dr Alfred Pennington, Dr Robert Atkins

Part Five:

Nutritional Ketosis is Normal.

(About 18 minutes)

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Preface to Part Five The Human Body's Hybrid Metabolic System

What is Normal Aging? metabolic syndrome, overweight and sick and getting worse over time?

Two Tank Fuel Systems Diesel and LPG - not hybrid

Two Tank Fuel Systems Diesel and Milk - not hybrid

Two Tank Fuel Systems - Fat Man Carbohydrates and Fats - hybrid

Fatty Acid Nutrition Beast fed babies - Ketosis is normal - brain health

Amber O'Hearn Low carb diet for children

Weaning Baby Best use meat, fish. eggs and low carbohydrate vegetables

Dr John Yudkin Sugar industry, McGovern Committee, Robert Lustig

Inflammation Damage in the Body insulin, phytic acid, lectin, gluten, fructose, polyunsaturated fats

Medical Professional Opinion Obesity, cholesterol, your heart, confused about fats

Dangerous Places - Doctors Consulting Room - Outdated diabetes protocol

Public Understanding is also Poor Doctors also badly informed, talk with your doctor

Dangerous Places - Official Guidelines - Wrong but can't be changed

Dangerous Places - Cereal Aisle, avoid Muesli for Breakfast

Dangerous Places - Bread Shop, whole grains, starches become glucose

Dangerous Places - Diabetes Association Websites, outdated official advice

Part Six:

The Obesidemic Environment and Commercial Influence.

(About 12 minutes)

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Preface to Part Six We've known for a long time that Carbohydrates are Fattening

He who pays the piper calls the tune. nutrition science, political decisions, McGovern Report, new paradigm

Framingham Heart Study - Results Many successes plus some “black swans”.

Women's Health Initiative Proves that the Standard American Diet isn't healthy

Women's Health Initiative. Failure or Success. S.A.D, fails; Why? - not understood

Dr Elizabeth Nabel Don't stand against the paradigm - Too much money and prestige invested in the status-quo?

NZ Ministry of Health: Childhood Obesity Plan Physical Activity plus high hopes - designed to fail

The Obesidemic Environment created to promote sales - Obesity is encouraged

The Influence of Sugar Australia Sugar Industry Sponsorships in Australia are widespread - public dysinformation tolerated

The British Nutritional Foundation Registered charity, reliable and trustworthy? Commercial foundation - misinforms the public for commercial advantage

Weetbix in NZ Schools? Sold as "healthy" low fat food for children. Sugar added.

Milo - Energy for NZ Kids? Sugar is energy - You MUST exercise - dysinformation is the purpose of "sponsorship"

Part Seven:

Professionals Oppose the Paradigm.

(About 18 minutes)

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Preface to Part Seven A long list of Professionals are Advocating Change

Dr Robert Atkins - The Atkins Diet Revolution - Pre-science - Quality Clinical Records

Dr Stephen Phinney - "My answers were always wrong." burning fat for energy - like Frederick Schwatka - "Nobody was interested"

Dr Richard Bernstein - Type One Diabetic - Ignored - Opposition from Am. Diabetes Association

Dr Annika Dahlqvist - Doctor on a Ketogenic Diet - Professional status challenged

Swedish Experts Committee verdicts are final - Dr Dahlqvist - best practice- weight loss - people with diabetes

Dr Robert Lustig ""The Bitter Truth About Sugar" - diabetes - obesity

Jennifer Elliott - Australian Dietician - Dismissed from her Hospital Position

Dr Gary Fettke - Australian Surgeon - Three Dietitians lodged a formal challenge to his professional status.

Hybrid or Not? - Glucose Metabolism - Fatty-Acid Metabolism - Balanced Diet?

Science Conflict in Tim Noakes' Trial" Ivory tower presige v a new paradigm -

Dr Tim Noakes on Trial for "unprofessional conduct." Ten issues in dispute - Noakes wins ten-zero

Prof. Grant Schofield and Caryn Zinn - The New Paradigm in NZ - A quiet call for dietary change. - No legal challenges here.

Prof. Jim Mann - The Old Paradigm Fights Back - Protecting the Status-Quo

Part Eight:

Sources of Expertise and Some Suggestions.

(About 18 minutes)

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Preface to Part Eight The Professional Debate is Intense and Earnest

Sources of Expertise Books (A bit outdated now)

The Real Meal Revolution First source of Courses for the Public and Professionals

The Diet Doctor - Andreas Eenfeldt Making Low Carb - Keto - User friendly

The Take-Out Diet - Dr Hugh Butler - a sensible science based "discover your own best diet" book.

Take Out Sugar Stop eating added sugar. - Sugar is a slow poison

Take Out Cereal Breakfast cereals promote continuous eating all day.

Take Out Bread Even "whole grains" become glucose in your system - Fibre makes you fart - Excess Gluten cause problems

Dr Jason Fung - Take out a meal - Fasting or intermittent fasting

Dietary Options? Seasonal eating - Mediterranean Diet - Not SAD, or Vegan. - Vegetarian difficult

Beyond the Science Science can identify what doesn't work. - Best diet? - Not vegan - not vegetarian

Metabolic Syndrome - A Reality? - Facts often tell us things we prefer not to know

The Dunedin Study Aging too quickly? - Sadly yes - How you live your life matters.

Self Education Recording some measurements. Noticing small things in your Health Diary.

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